Expectations of families of patients suffering from chronic diseases with respect to their nursing care providers
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Instytut Pielęgniarstwa i Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2012;18(3):225-228
Patients remain in the focus of a nurse’s work, therefore it is important to know their social expectations with respect to the care provided.

Recognition of the expectations of family members of chronically ill patients with respect to their nursing care providers.

Material and Methods:
The study covered 100 family members of patients hospitalized in a Residential Care Facility; aged 18-78, mean age 48.5. The research instrument was a self-designed questionnaire containing items related to the expectations of family members of patients suffering from chronic diseases, and nursing care received by these patients.

Family members considered nursing care as the most important occupational function of nurses (92%), followed by rehabilitation (57%), and therapeutic function (54%), while the most important tasks within individual functions indicated by the respondents were: maintaining body hygiene (100%), education of patients in self-care in activities of daily living (72%), prevention of effects of long-term immobilization (71%), motivating patients to independence (69 %), monitoring of the measurements of basic life functions (76%), and administration of medications (70%). The majority of respondents expected information concerning the patient’s state of health and nursing care provided (72%), whereas only 7% of respondents expected information pertaining to social services available.

In the opinions of respondents, the provision of body hygiene, preparation of a patient for self-care, and alleviation of pain and suffering were the most important elements of nursing care.
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