Assessment of nutritional status disorders, general fatness and fat distribution in women and men aged 20–30
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Katedra Nauk Biomedycznych, Zakład Antropologii i Promocji Zdrowia, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego, Warszawa
Katedra Fizjoterapii, Wyższa Szkoła Rehabilitacji, Warszawa
Instytut Biocybernetyki i Inżynierii Biomedycznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warszawa
Corresponding author
Anna Kopiczko   

Obozowa 20, 01-161 Warszawa
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2015;21(4):339-345
Introduction and objective:
In recent years, an increase has been observed in the scope of problems concerning nutritional status disorders. The primary goal of the study was the assessment of the frequency of occurrence of two extreme nutritional states: protein-energy malnutrition (deficiency of body mass) and over-eating excess state (overweight and obesity) in young men and women. For specific purposes, assessment of the body tissue composition and fat distribution was undertaken.

Material and Methods:
The studies included a total of 528 people (373 women and 155 men), aged from 20–30 (22.2 ± 3.0) Basic anthropometric measurements were performed: body weight (kg), body height (cm), waist and hips circumferences (cm). Based on direct measurements, body mass index BMI, waist to hip ratio WHE and Waist Ratio WC, BAI index, the percentage content of the fatty tissue in the body was calculated, and the bioelectric impedance method was used.

In the examined group (in 28.4%), based on the BMI, the occurrence was observed of extreme nutritional states characteristic for body emaciation connected with protein-energy malnutrition and states evidencing over-nutrition, i.e. obesity, including obesity degree II and III. In the course of analyses, the highest percentage of individual with a normal content of fatty tissue was found (83.3%). However, among the studied men and women, cases were noted of a too low content of fatty tissue in the body, as well as too high – exceeding the standard. Abdominal obesity (visceral) occurred in 40.7 – 48.7% of the total population examined, according to the indicator applied. According to gender, the dominant type of fatty tissue distribution among women (in 66.2%) was gynoidal fatness. Among men dominated the androidal type of fatty tissue distribution. Considering exclusively waist circumference, the more frequent occurrence of the abdominal type by 8.4% was found among women compared men.

Disorders of the nutritional state in the form of malnutrition and over-nutrition of the body occur both among men and women. Preventive measures are worth considering towards the prevention of factors conditioning this adverse state of the body.
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