Evaluation of body composition in students with different degrees of physical activity by the method of bioelectrical impedancje
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Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu i Kultury Fizycznej, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny im. K. Pułaskiego w Radomiu
Corresponding author
Renata Janiszewska
ul. dr S. Perzanowskiej 42/1, 26-617 Radom
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2013;19(2):173-176
Improving physical activity of the population is a strategic objective of the National Health Programme for 2007–2015. This goal is highly justified as Polish society is characterized by low physical activity. It is estimated that only approximately 30% of children and adolescents, and 10% of adults are involved in forms of motor activity, the type of which and intensity of effort meet the physiological requirements of their bodies. Poor awareness of sports and leisure needs is the fundamental reason for this situation.

Assessment of body composition of students with different levels of physical activity.

Material and Methods:
The study covered students of the Technological Humanistic University in Radom, representing various specialties and levels of physical activity. Physical activity was determined based on the declared frequency and intensity of physical effort undertaken during the week in free time. The research method applied was bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Statistical analysis was conducted using the software Statistica PL.

Differences in body tissue components between physically active and passive groups were evaluated by means of Student’s t-test and were statistically significant. In more than 60% of physically passive students the BMI was classified as indicating overweight and first degree obesity. 20.8% of physically active students were categorized as overweight with no cases of obesity. The BMI was highly correlated with subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue among physically passive students. Very high values of correlation coefficient were observed in the relationship between subcutaneous adipose tissue and muscular tissue.

Increased physical effort of an adequate intensity and systematically applied contributes to an increase in protein body weight, the reduction in the contents of subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue, increase in lean body mass (LBM), and maintenance of normal BMI levels.
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