Analysis of the relationship between joint mobility and pain felt within them
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Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny
Zakład Rehabilitacji Narządu Ruchu, Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie, Polska
Zakład Rehabilitacji Narządu Ruchu, Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Polska
Corresponding author
Magdalena Gębska   

Zakład Rehabilitacji Narządu Ruchu, Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie, Szczecin, Polska
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2020;26(1):60-65
Assessment of the range of temporomandibular joint and cervical spine mobility in people with bruxism

Material and methods:
The study was conducted on a group of 71 people of both genders, aged between 20 – 45. The control group was the same number of people, without disorders of the stomatognathic system. Both groups were subjected to a physical examination which consisted of measuring the ranges of mobility of the temporo-mandibular joints and the cervical spine

The mean values of the motion ranges of the temporo-mandibular joints obtained in Group I were: abduction – 28.34 mm (SD=5.91); lateral movement to the right – 5.87 mm (SD=1.67); lateral movement to the left – 6.18 mm (SD=2.30); protrusion – 3.90 mm (SD=1.07). Working ranges of mobility in Group II were: abduction – 41–52 mm; lateral movements to the right and left – 6–10 mm; protrusion – 4–7 mm. Measurements of ranges of mobility of the cervical segment in Group I: bending – 19.39 mm (SD = 4.26); extension – 58.01 mm (SD = 11.45); rotation to the right – 48.38 mm (SD = 9.50); rotation to the left – 46,72 mm (SD = 8.96); flexion to the right – 38.96 mm (SD = 8.26); flexion to the left – 37.79 mm (SD = 7.61).

1. The limited range of mobility of the temporomandibular joints in patients with bruxism may affect the reduction of the cervical spine ranges of mobility. 2. The limited range of mobility within the temporomandibular joints and the cervical spine has an impact on pain felt within them. 3. Biomechanical connections of the cervical spine and temporo-mandibular joints indicate the need for functional evaluation of the cervical spine in people with stomatognathic system dysfunction.
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