Introduction and objective:
It has been shown that the correct composition of the intestinal microbiota enables better use of energy and minerals contained in the diet; decomposition of toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic substances appearing in the intestines and phagocytosis of pathogen cells; decides about maintaining the continuity of the epithelium and protects against disturbances in the functioning of the intestinal barrier with all their consequences, and against a decrease in immunity. The aim of the study was to assess the potential impact of selected factors, including nutrition, on the proper functioning of the gut microbiota in young women.

Material and methods:
The study involved 119 women, aged 20–24, conducted by the survey method, using a proprietary questionnaire, which contained 29 closed questions regarding the presence in their lives of factors negatively affecting the condition of the intestinal microbiota. A menu on three randomly selected days was attached to the questionnaires.

It was found that although in the majority of the respondents the number and distribution of meals, as well as the hours of their consumption were correct, the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the menus revealed a number of disproportions. Those that could have a negative impact on the condition of the microbiota included: excess animal protein, fibre deficiency, low consumption of fermented products, and the use of reducing diets. Among other factors, the condition of the microbiota might have been negatively affected by stress and delivery by Caesarean section.

The compilation of the above-mentioned factors, but not limited to them, can result in intestinal dysbiosis, creating a real risk of developing certain diseases later in life.
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