Assessment of the costs of treatment and rehabilitation among victims of accidents at work and individuals with occupational disease diagnosed, with particular consideration of foresters and farmers
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Narodowy Instytut Zdrowa Publicznego – Państwowy Zakład Higieny, Zakład Organizacji i Ekonomiki Ochrony Zdrowia oraz Szpitalnictwa
Narodowy Instytut Zdrowa Publicznego – Państwowy Zakład Higieny, Centrum Diagnostyczne
Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Instytut Medycyny Społecznej, Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2013;19(4):485-489
The methodology of assessing the costs of treatment and rehabilitation of victims of accidents at work and individuals with a diagnosed occupational disease was presented. Developing methodology was the aim of the research grant.

Material and Methods:
In order to calculate the costs of occupational diseases two databases – from the Prof. J. Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) and from the National Health Fund (NHF) have been combined. The coherent element for both databases was the Social Security Number, which enabled the combination of the databases from these two institutions. In relation to the costs of accidents at work, a questionnaire concerning own costs of the accidents at work has been prepared where respondents could voluntarily provide their Social Security Number. Using the collected Social Security Numbers the database has been prepared. To each record the costs of medical services: hospital treatment, outpatient specialist care and medical rehabilitation have been assigned from the National Health Fund database.

It has been shown that the aforesaid medical costs of occupational diseases for farmers and foresters were approximately 51,500 PLN, whereas the costs connected to accidents at work were approximately 239,000 PLN.

Developed methodology allows for counting medical costs of accidents at work and occupational diseases, and can be improved in the future. Amendment to an Act on healthcare services financed from public funds imposes an obligation of unpaid transmission of data from the Social Insurance Institution and the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund to the Headquarters of the National Health Fund. This will enable monitoring and evaluation of the costs of treatment of people injured in accidents at work and people with occupational disease using developed methodology
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