Introduction and objective:
Nurseries become the main place where children eat throughout the day. For this reason, within the framework of mass nutrition nurseries should implement the principles of rational nutrition, which are set forth in the Regulation by the Minister of Health of 26 July, 2016.

Qualitative assessment of menus in nurseries based on the Regulation by the Minister of Health of 26 July, 2016 and the introduction of health-promoting products and products of low nutritional value.

Material and methods:
The research tool was the collected weekly menus of the nurseries, which were qualitatively assessed based on the criterion included in the Regulation by the Ministry of Health of 26 July, 2016. Preschool facilities were assigned random letters of the alphabet which ensured anonymity

As many as 99% of menus showed the presence of vegetables or fruits at each meal, while the supply of 5 servings was observed among 83% of menus. An adequate supply of milk and dairy products and grain products was implemented in less than 10% of menus. Excessive use of sugar was noted in more than 30% of menus, and an inadequate supply of fish was noted in 48% of menus.

The evaluated menus were characterized by a higher incidence of products with reduced health value, compared to health-promoting products. Numerous deviations from the recommendations by the Minister of Health were found in the composition of menus by preschool facilities.
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