Introduction and objective:
The aim of the study was assessment of the quality of diet among occupationally active adults, taking into account the presence of pro-health and unhealthy characteristics, using the Diet Quality Index (DQI). In addition, the frequency of consumption of products was assessed according to the respondents’ age.

Material and methods:
The study involved 125 inhabitants of the Opole Province. The research tool was the KomPAN® Dietary Habits and Nutrition Beliefs Questionnaire for persons aged 16–65 years.

A high intensity of pro-health characteristics was observed in every tenth respondent aged up to 35 years and in 7.6% of respondents aged over 35 years. Among products, dishes, and drinks with a potentially beneficial effect on health, fruit and vegetables were consumed most frequently, while fish and legumes were consumed the least frequently. Among products, dishes and drinks exerting potentially adverse effect on health, the most frequently consumed were: butter, as an addition to bread or dishes, for frying, baking, etc., as well as white bread, sweets, yellow cheese and cold cuts, sausages or hot dogs. However, the least frequently consumed products were: lard, canned fish and energy drinks, as well as fast food. A statistically significant difference was found only in the frequency of consumption of fast food and sweetened carbonated or non-carbonated drinks. Younger respondents consumed fast food and sweetened carbonated or noncarbonated drinks significantly more often than those older

The respondents’ diet was characterized by low intensity of both pro-health and unhealthy characteristics. Low intensity of pro-health characteristics in the diet indicates the need for introducing nutritional education.
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