Exposure of workers to biological aerosol on a fur farm
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Katedra Higieny Zwierząt i Środowiska, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2011;17(1):12-16
An advancing development of industry and transport, as well as the creation of large urbanized areas, unfortunately causes the concentration of the sources of air pollution over relatively small areas, including large animal breeding farms. Considerable amounts of hazardous contaminants are released into the air, such as: organic compounds, inorganic nitrogen, sulfur, carbon compounds and others, as well as dust and microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi.

The objective of the study was the evaluation of the degree of air pollution and exposure to biological aerosol among the employees of a carnivorous fur animal farm.

Material and Methods:
The studies of microbiological contamination indoor farm rooms, i.e. social rooms and feed kitchen were carried out in 5 monthly cycles, and repeated twice in the morning hours (in March, April, June, November and December). The values of biological aerosol obtained were compared to the farm’s background. Simultaneously, the measurements of the basic microclimatic parameters were performed (air fl ow, temperature, relative humidity).

The analysis of the material obtained in social rooms for farm workers showed the mean concentration of the total number of bacteria on the level of 1.3 × 103 CFU/m3, whereas in the feed kitchen – on the level of 1.7 × 103 CFU/m3. The total content of fungi in indoor air – mean value for the whole period of study – was 1.2 × 103, and was close to bioaerosol concentration in the feed kitchen (1.4 × 103 CFU/m3). During the autumn-winter season a clear increase was observed in the concentration of bacterial and fungal aerosol inside the rooms examined.

The levels of bioaerosols noted in the social rooms on the animal fur farm did not exceed standards considered as hazardous for health. The concentrations of bioaerosols at workplaces may create risk in the case of not observing the OSH regulations, because the affi nity of bioaerosols into individual groups of risk was not considered in the study.
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