The studies were conducted among patients in the Laryngology Ward at the Independent Regional Hospital in Zamość, and covered a total number of 85 patients of both genders aged 40-93, with the diagnosis of laryngeal cancer, who had undergone laryngetomy. The research tool was the analysis of medical records and history taking. The majority of patients were rural inhabitants, while 24.7% lived in urban areas. In the group of patients examined dominated smokers (91.8%). While history taking a high percentage of patients admitted that they consumed alcohol - 68% of the total number of patients - 3 females and 55 males (67.9%). In 68.2% of the patients in the study a simultaneous exposure to alcohol and tobacco smoke could have been the cause of laryngeal cancer. Cancer was mot frequently observed in people working on farms (51.8%), followed by 34.1% of manual workers. No genetic predisoposal for the development of laryngeal cancer was noted.
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Klonowski S., Semczuk B., Sekrecki R.: Badania epidemiologiczne i kliniczne chorujących na raka krtani w makroregionie lubelskim w latach 1991-1994, Otolaryngologia Polska, 1995, (XLIX), (Supl). 20, 29.
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Semanycz – Lemańczyk J., Ziętek E.: Występowanie raka krtani i dynamika wzrostu zachorowalności na terenie Pomorza Zachodniego w latach 1978-1987, Otolaryngologia Polska, 1995; (XLIX), (Suplement) 20, 34.
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