Contraceptive methods in the view of women at reproductive age and the declared importance of the Catholic faith – a pilot study
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Samodzielna Pracownia Zdrowia Psychicznego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2012;18(2):113-117
Introduction and objective of study:
The article presents the results of a study undertaken to determine the influence of the declared significance of the Catholic faith on the decision regarding the choice of contraceptive methods, and on the view concerning the harmfulness of contraception and negative effect of contraceptives on conceived life. Another objective of the study was the determination whether there is a relationship between the importance of the Catholic faith and approach towards the potential ban on using hormonal contraception in society. Nowadays, a variety of contraceptives are widely used by increasingly younger women. The Roman Catholic Church does not approve of methods other than those belonging to natural family planning (NFP).

Sources and methodology:
Fifty-seven women at child-bearing age, remaining in a sexual relationship, were examined, including those who belong to the ‘Difficult Marriage Community, SYCHAR, existing within the congregation of St. Urszula Ledóchowska Parish in Lublin. Thirty women declared that their faith was very important in their life, 27 viewed the faith in God as not very significant or insignificant. The method used in the study was a diagnostic survey, and a questionnaire was the technique applied.

It has been determined that the view on contraception and the decision regarding the application of a given method is affected by one’s level of religiousness. Women who find faith important exhibited views concordant with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Moreover, all the women examined, regardless of their religious views, voiced their objection to the ban on the use of hormonal contraception.

Women declaring their faith in God as important have different views on contraception from those for whom their faith is of lesser importance or unimportant, and they more rarely use hormonal contraceptive methods which are not approved by the Church. The level of religiousness bears no relation to the attitude towards the introduction of the ban on using hormonal contraceptive methods.
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