Medical and social aspects of post-stroke rehabilitation in elderly people
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Instytut Medyczny, Uczelnia Państwowa im. Jana Grodka w Sanoku, Polska
Szpital Specjalistyczny SPZOZ w Sanoku
Corresponding author
Elżbieta Cipora   

Instytut Medyczny, Uczelnia Państwowa im. Jana Grodka w Sanoku, Mickiewicza 21, 38-500, Sanok, Polska
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2022;28(1):28-32
Introduction and objective:
Stroke most often affects elderly people. It often causes lasting brain damage and results in disability. Despite considerable progress in prevention, diagnosis,treatment and rehabilitation, patients with the diagnosis of stroke are burdened with a high risk of health problems and social alienation. The aim of the study was presentation of the principles of patient rehabilitation as a multidisciplinary process, and difficulties in rehabilitation of elderly patients who had undergone stroke.

Review methods:
A review and analysis of medical literature published in 2016–2020 on rehabilitation of the elderly after stroke was performed with particular emphasis on the medical and social aspects of the rehabilitation process.

Abbreviated description of the state of knowledge:
The aim of rehabilitation of patients after stroke is the prevention of complications arising from temporary immobilization, and reduction of dysfunctions connected with the size and location of the focus of stroke. It is important to restore verbal communication of the patient with the environment, and improve motor functions. Systematic and individually adjusted rehabilitation is the chance for faster restoration of patient’s efficiency and living in society. An elderly person after stroke needs special care during the rehabilitation process because of symptoms and complications resulting from illness and systemic changes which take place due to ageing.

Rehabilitation after stroke should begin on admission to hospital. Progress in rehabilitation significantly increases patient’s motivation to exercise, and exerts a beneficial effect on the rehabilitation process. Multiple repeating of exercises and motivation of the patient are the factors which, to a great extent, restore patient’s efficiency, and enable the return to life in society.
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