Map of the nervous system in the brain and the phantom pain
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Szkoła Podstawowa w Słupnie
Bursa, Płocka
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Mariusz Hubert Kupniewski   

Szkoła Podstawowa w Słupnie ul. Kościelna 16, 09-472
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2017;23(3):176-178
Every contemporary machine is equipped with a number of sensors which have a precise location where they are installed. The objective of the study is to start a discussion on whether a similar mechanism exists in the brain and concerns nocireceptors. The phenomenon of phantom pain still remains a not fully resolved mystery of medicine. Their cause, the scheme of action has been recognized; however, this phenomenon has not been fully understood. It is known that the phantom pain stimulates the same areas of the brain that are responsible for perception of physical pain. The brain is still very enigmatic. At present, human brain has not been sufficiently recognized to determine whether the phantom is a physical response of nocireceptor to a stimulus, or its cause is in the psyche. Studies show that the sensation of phantom pain decreases with time elapsed since the amputation, which may suggest the reorganization of brain structures. For years it was considered that nerve cells do not regenerate; however, the current knowledge shows that they can regenerate. Today, it is known that neurons can regenerate like any other body cells. Researchers have discovered that DNA can be the carrier of an unlimited amount of data. Therefore, it should be considered if there is a very precise map of the nervous system in the brain with the exact address of each neuron cell, especially nocireceptors. In the case of amputation, the mechanism of cell production still directs newly formed neurons to the subtracted limb, but due to the physical lack of a target placement they would be randomly deposited in other parts of the body. In such a case, phantom pain would be the reflection of actual signals, as confirmed by the stimulation of brain areas responsible for the perception of pain. The signal would be interpreted as proper for the absent limb; however, with a completely different stimulation site. The combination of these facts could confirm the thesis of the map.
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