Introduction and objective:
Due to technological development worldwide healthcare specialists are faced with modern diagnostic and therapeutic solutions that are designed to counteract diseases. Live streaming is becoming a breakthrough form of telemedicine in pre-hospital care. The aim of the study was to present modern solutions in prehospital emergency medical care.

Review methods:
The article presents the concept of live streaming, an overview of legal regulations regarding image sharing, and the technical aspect of live streaming.

Brief description of the state of knowledge:
Constant correlation of manufacturers of advanced medical equipment with the opinions of specialists involved in saving the lives of the injured and scientific reports are essential elements of the process of introducing the most effective diagnostic and treatment methods. The challenges posed by the 21st century to various medical professions constitute a continuous process of following trends in all aspects of human life.

The permanent introduction of live streaming to the practice of emergency medical teams will be an important tool for medical communication between the rescue team and the cardiology facility. It is also a new technological solution that expands pre-hospital and hospital diagnostics based on live transmission of the patient’s ECG recording from the scene of the incident to a specialist hospital. Support in the form of a video call or medical teleconsultation with members of the Emergency Medical Team during medical rescue activities is a link in the chain of survival in the case of patients in life-threatening conditions of cardiological origin. The requirements that a patient with various ailments and diseases places on medical personnel are an absolute indication for continuous improvement of practical skills and acquisition of medical knowledge.
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