Lifestyle and wellness – effects on cardiovascular disease risk factors
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Medical University of Warsaw, Department of Disaster Medicine, Poland
Polish Air Force Academy, Faculty of National Security and Logistics, Poland
Medical University of Lublin, Department of Emergency Medicine, Poland
Medical University of Warsaw, Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, Poland
Corresponding author
Witold Pawłowski   

Medical University of Warsaw, Department of Disaster Medicine, Poland
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2018;24(4):228-233
Lifestyle is one of the factors influencing people’s health and each person should be responsible for own health. Hence, it is necessary to educate people about importance of proper choices of behaviour and life style that have substantial influence on health. Such choices are called ‘pro-health’ and have a positive impact on health improvement. Healthy attitudes are ‘all feelings (emotions), beliefs, opinions, evaluations, views about health as a high value’. The ideal attitude towards health is a strict, consequent attitude characterized by substantial knowledge, awakened feelings and motivations, and particular plans of action, each element being coherent with the others. The shaping and modification of attitudes is based on fixing positive and eliminating negative influences on health. Nowadays, circulatory system illnesses are one of the main risks for health and life of people worldwide. They are the main reason for deaths in the European Union and amount to 40% of all deaths. In Poland, the death rate due to this type of illness is one of the highest in Europe. The study presents the risk for the factors for cardiovascular disease and characterizes their influence on lifestyle and wellness.

In order to reduce and limit the incidence rate of circulatory system diseases it is necessary to promote knowledge about the essence of these illnesses and about the benefits resulting from a healthy style of life. Promoting healthy life attitudes eliminates such risk factors as smoking, alcohol drinking, improper nutrition habits, and lack of physical activity.
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