Life situation of teenage mothers
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Zakład Podstaw Położnictwa Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie, Polska
Katedra i Klinika Ginekologii i Endokrynologii Ginekologicznej Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie, Polska
Katedra Rozwoju Pielęgniarstwa Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie, Polska
Corresponding author
Agnieszka Bałanda-Bałdyga   

Zakład Podstaw Położnictwa Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie, Staszica 4/6, 20-081, Lublin, Polska
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2019;25(3):138-143
Various factors, i.e. culture, economics, and education, are recognized as being related to the number of juvenile pregnancies worldwide. In Poland, teenage pregnancies account for 3.4–8% of all pregnancies. Juvenile pregnancy makes a teenage mother change her lifestyle, and motherhood in the period of adolescence influences her further functioning in psychological, social, medical, and legal domains.

To discover what the life situation of teenage mothers is like, and to establish conditioning factors.

Material and Methods:
A survey study using an original questionnaire was carried out among 308 teenage mothers, 13–19 years old in eight hospitals in Poland. The study obtained the consent of the Bioethics Committee of the Medical University in Lublin (KE No. 0254/157/2012).

The girls taking part in the study constituted a diverse group in terms of demographic and social characteristics. The youngest group were 13–15-year olds. Over half of the respondents (57.1%) were rural residents, most (70.8%) of them unmarried and economically dependent on their parents (88.6%). The age difference between the child’s mother and father was on average four years, and was statistically significant (p <0.00001).

The life situation of teenage mothers must be considered difficult due not only to their young age, but also the necessity to stop school education, lack of work and economic independence, an uncertain future with the child’s father, and / or a shortage of social support. There is a need for appropriate education regarding human sexuality, including issues of fertility, emotional relations and responsibility.
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