Mild adverse events after administration of iodinated contrast agent in computed tomography examination
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Zakład Diagnostyki Obrazowej, Mazowiecki Szpital Specjalistyczny w Ostrołęce
Zakład Radiologii, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
Zakład Statystyki i Informatyki Medycznej, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2015;21(1):7-12
Contrast media in computed tomography facilitate differentiation between tissues, which is useful in verifying initial clinical diagnosis. One of the most commonly used formulations is iodinated monomer Ultravist (Iopromid) soluble in water. The specificity of contrast agents is the possibility of induction of adverse reactions of various types. Mild reactions are rarely reported in literature. The objective of the study was to analyze the types of mild complications after intravenous administration of iodinated contrast agent Ultravist 300 and 370 in computed tomography examinations.

Material and Methods:
The study group comprised 160 patients who during CT scans were administered intravenously Ultravist. The study was conducted by the method of a diagnostic survey, using a survey technique, and the research instrument was a questionnaire designed by the author. The data collected were entered and analyzed using Statistica 10.0 StatSoft and PASW Statistic 17.0 Predictive Solutions; Chi-square test was used to compare differences between proportions; the level of statistical significance was set at 5% (p < 0.05).

The most common reactions after intravenous administration of contrast medium were the feeling of warmth, feeling of urination and a ‘strange taste in the mouth’. Patients who received Ultravist 300 reported the ‘sensation of warmth throughout the body’ more frequently than those who received Ultravist 370 (p = 0.001). No relationship was confirmed between the amount of synthesized MS and speed of administration, and adverse reactions at the injection site.

Symptoms of mild adverse events pass spontaneously and do not require pharmacotherapy. These symptoms; however, are important from the point of view of the security and co-operation with the patient while performing the examination, and care of the patient after its completion
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