Regulation of health programs executed by local government
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Zakład Bioetyki i Prawa Medycznego Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2015;21(2):146-151
Health program is an element of state policy. Thanks to it, local authorities can be engaged in organizing health benefits. According to decentralization assumptions local government should act close to citizens. Local needs are the best recognized in local environment. The article presents controversies connected with activity of local powers in the health area, especially with rendering health benefits via health programs. The author introduces problems which accompanies executing health programs as well objections aimed to them. The author also indicates the areas which need legislation intervention to optimize this tool. Finally, the article refers to the lately novelization of sector legal act, which contains changes in the regulation of health programs, entering on the 1st of January 2015.

Aim of the study:
The aim of this study is to analyze the problems connected with the executing health programs.

Material and the methods:
The author uses descriptive method to present the current regulation. Simultaneously the article refers to the data published by the Agency for Health Technology Assessment, which were elaborated by the author in a form of statistical data.

The regulation of the health programs is too general. It doesn`t enable to answer the question how it should be performed on every stage of execution.

Current level of health program`s regulation isn`t satisfied. The legislative intervention should be undertaken in particular areas. The lately novelization, which touches this institution is a right step, but at the same time it`s not enough to increase effectiveness of tool described.
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