Knowledge concerning obesity complications and opinions about its social consequences among students of the Medical University and Maria Curie-kłodowska University in Lublin, Poland
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Department of Clinical Dietetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University, Lublin, Poland
Neuropsychiatric Hospital in Lublin, Poland
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Renata Monika Krzyszycha   

Medical University of Lublin, Department of Clinical Dietetics, Poland
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2020;26(2):146-154
An important element of obesity prophylaxis is an increase in the awareness of health and the social consequences of obesity, as well as an increase in the level of knowledge concerning the relationship between anti-health behaviours and excessive body weight.

The aim of the study was assessment of knowledge concerning obesity complications among the students of two universities in Lublin, Poland, and recognition of their opinions about the functioning of obese individuals in the society.

Material and methods:
The study was conducted during the period November 2017 – March 2018 in a group of 200 students from the selected universities in Lublin by the method of a diagnostic survey, using a questionnaire technique. The research instrument was an author-constructed questionnaire containing 46 items: 23 items referring to knowledge of the health consequences of obesity, 12 – undertaking the scope of problems concerning the stigmatization of obese persons, and 11 – respondents’ particulars pertaining to sociodemographic data.

Statistical analysis showed significant relationships between the level of students’ knowledge concerning the health effects of obesity and type of university, study specialty and year of study, as well as the place of the respondents’ permanent residence according to the number of inhabitants. The correlate of a higher level of knowledge concerning obesity was the presence of an obese person in the respondent’s direct social environment. Knowledge of the health consequences of obesity among students of the Lublin universities is unsatisfactory, although students of the Medical University show a better knowledge of this problem compared to those from Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (UMCS). In addition, it was confirmed that the respondents paid attention to the problem of stigmatization and social exclusion of obese persons in Polish society.

Health education focused on the dissemination of knowledge about the genesis and effects of obesity remains a constant challenge to public health, and should constitute an integral element of educational programmes at all education levels, and be obligatorily supplemented by multisectoral actions in the area of pro-health policy.
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