Quality of life and state of health of patients with oedema of lower extremities
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Katedra Fizjoterapii Akademii Medycznej im. Piastów Śląskich we Wrocławiu
Zakład Rehabilitacji w Dysfunkcjach Narządu Ruchu, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Akademia Medyczna we Wrocławiu
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2012;18(3):247-251
On an everyday basis we do not pay attention to the well prospering lymphatic system, and appreciate its importance only when it stops functioning correctly. Disorders in the balance of water, proteins, minerals and transformation of metabolic products leads to lesions of the lymphatic vessels and, in consequence, of the organs such as: the heart, brain, kidneys. Material and methods: Studies were carried out in the University Clinical Hospital in the Clinic of Angiology, Diabetology and Arterial Hypertension, and covered 30 patients (14 females and 16 males) with swellings of the lower limbs developed in the course of angiological diseases. The quality of life was valuated by means of self-designed questionnaire containing 37 items. The level of pain complaints was measured using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). In addition, mobility of the upper tarsal joint was estimated by means of a goniometer in accordance with the ISOM standards, s well as shin and epitarsal circuits 1, 2. The measure of the descriptive statistics was arithmetical average, standard deflection and standard error. Goodness of fit was assessed by means of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and correlation was investigated using Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient. Results: As many as 43.3 % of respondents evaluated their state of health in negative terms, more than a half of them evaluated their sensations as negative, which suggested a low general quality of life. In the course of vascular diseases, the greatest decrease in mobility of the tarsal joint resulting from the swelling concerned dorsiflexion, as well as inversion and eversion of the foot. These values were not statistically significant, the correlation with the circuits results being p= 0.357 and r= 0.174. Conclusions: Oedema of the lower extremities developing in the course of vascular diseases, results in a significant limitation of the range of motion in the upper tarsal joint and makes normal locomotion difficult. Key words: quality of life, swelling, vascular diseases, activity
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