Quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis and degree of motor disability – preliminary report
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Instytut Fizjoterapii, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
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Agnieszka Bejer   

Instytut Fizjoterapii, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, ul. Warszawska 26A, 35–205 Rzeszów
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2015;21(4):402-407
Introduction and objective:
Multiple sclerosis is (MS) one of the most common, chronic and incurable neurological diseases diagnosed between the ages 20–40. To-date the etiology of the disease has not been completely recognized. MS is a disease manifested by many clinical symptoms, the negative of which affects the quality of life of patients. The objective of the study is evaluation of the relationship between the quality of life of patients with MS and the degree of motor disability.

Material and Methods:
The study was conducted during a meeting of the Polish Multiple Sclerosis Society, Agency in Rzeszów. The study group included 40 patients – 32 females (80%) and 8 males (20%). The quality of life was assessed using the SF-36 questionnaire, and motor disability by means of the Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale – EDSS.

Among all 8 categories in the SF-36 questionnaire, the respondents obtained the poorest results with respect to general health status, limitations in performing roles due to physical health, and vitality. In the domain of physical functioning, a statistically significant difference was noted between the group with minimal (=37.1%) and severe motor disability (=77.2%) (p=0.0204)

The quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis is worse in the physical than mental dimension. At the same time, the quality of life in the domain of physical functioning deteriorates with decrease in motor efficacy, down to the level of 6.5 scores according to the EDSS (high motor disability).
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