Quality of life and health behaviours of the elderly living in rural and urban areas
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Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Piastów Śląskich we Wroclawiu, Polska
Corresponding author
Luba Jakubowska   

Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Piastów Śląskich we Wroclawiu, Bartla 5, 51-618, Wrocław, Polska
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2019;25(4):282-287
The process of ageing results in multiple changes in the functioning of an individual. The prolonged lifespan ought to be associated with improved life quality connected with better health.

Presenting the connection between health behaviours and the life quality of seniors in relation with their place of residence.

Material and methods:
301 individuals took part in the research. The Health Behaviours questionnaire and WHOQOL– BREFF were used. In the statistical analysis the t-Student test for independent groups, r- Pearson correlation coefficient, linear regression analysis with the step method, and Mann-Whitney U unparametrical tests were used.

In the group of the inhabitants of rural areas, significant positive correlations were discovered between general health behaviours and correct eating habits, prophylactic behaviours and positive attitude and life quality in the following domains: somatic: r 0.23–0.46, psychological, r 0.22–0.43; social, r 0.31– 0.40, and environmental, r 0.36–0.49. In the group of urban inhabitants, statistically significant positive correlations were found between general health behaviours and correct eating habits and positive attitude and life quality in psychological (r – 0.18–0.42), social (r 0.23–0.41) and environmental domains (r 0.18–0.37). Statistically significant negative correlations were discovered between health practices and life quality in somatic (r=0.19) and psychological (r=0.16) domains.

The most powerful predictor of life quality of the inhabitants of rural and urban areas was positive attitude: in the case of rural inhabitants in all the four domains, and in urban areas in psychological, social, and environmental domains.
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