Is the use of mobile phones good for your neck? Text neck syndrome as an awareness of the existing threat – literature review
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State University of Applied Sciences, Łomża, Poland
Department of Paediatric Rehabilitation and Centre of Early Support for Handicapped Children ‘Give a chance’, Białystok, Poland
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Monika Gałczyk   

Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Przedsiębiorczości w Łomży, Polska
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2020;26(3):240-243
SMS neck syndrome is a problem that threatens the physical and mental health of modern mobile phone users. It is difficult for today’s population to function without mobile devices, therefore the problem of using mobile phones concerns many aspects of a social, health and psychological nature. People who use phones excessively potentially increase the risk of developing musculoskeletal problems. Using smartphones contributes to incorrect body posture, which in turn causes neck and back pain.

The aim of the study based on a literature review was to present the threats arising from the use of mobile phones, and to identify the main health problems of mobile device users.

Brief description of the state of knowledge:
The literature review included scientific literature published in the period between 2011–2019. The resources of three bibliographic databases were searched: Medline (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online), Web of Science, and PubMed. On analyzing the literature in the field of psychology, pedagogy and sociology, it can be seen that in Poland there is a lack of intercultural screening tools, which would be quick and easy method to identify groups of young people at risk by using a mobile phone, who by engaging in this activity experience various problems of social, health or mental nature.

This literature review confirms the need for public health education programmes to inform people about the physical dangers of excessive smartphone use. Smartphone addiction can significantly impair the function and cause pain of the cervical spine.
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