Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common mononeuropathy that causes median nerve damage at the level of the carpal tunnel. Wrist overload associated with repeated fast movements, often requiring the forced position of the body which loads the wrist joints, is considered to be the most important cause in the formation of CTS. This disease significantly affects patients’ manual skills and limits their daily activities. The use of the best treatment methods can increase the quality of life of CTS people. Correctly performed assessment of the patient’s functional condition allows both the planning, implementation and improvement process, as well as control of the progress of this process. The treatment method for CTS depends on the type, duration and severity of the discomfort. Raynaud’s syndrome is a vasomotor disorder which occurs mostly due to the influence of physicochemical or emotional stimuli. It is observed in 3–15% of the general population, more often among women. The primary character is called Raynaud’s disease, while the secondary is known as Raynaud’s syndrome.

The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of classical physical therapy on the condition of a patient with carpal tunnel syndrome and Raynaud’s disease.

Material and Methods:
The method of an individual case description was used. The study involved a 36-year-old woman diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome and Raynaud’s disease. The material was collected by means of an interview, DASH questionnaire, VAS pain scale and two functional tests: the Phanel and Tinnel tests. Description of the individual case study was based on an interview and physical examination performed before and after rehabilitation.

Considering the subjective assessment of the achieved improvement after the treatment, the patient noticed a slight decrease in the intensity of pain and numbness, both during the day and at night. The respondent also reported a slight improvement in the function of the upper limbs and improved freedom during some everyday activities.

Physiotherapeutic procedures slightly reduced the numbness of both the day and night pain. Despite only a few treatments, the patient noticed a slight improvement which confirms that they were correctly selected and should be continued. During the next physiotherapeutic procedure, kinesitherapy should be introduced.
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