Healthcare problems of a patient with melanoma of the skin cancer
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Medical University, Lublin, Poland
St John of Dukla Oncology Centre of the Lublin Region, Poland
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Faculty of Law and Administration, Institute of Legal Sciences, Chair of Information Technology Law and Legal Professions, Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author
Marzena Kamińska   

St John of Dukla Oncology Centre of the Lublin Region, Jaczewskiego 7, 20-090, Lublin, Poland
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2024;30(2):112-115
Introduction and objective:
In Poland, the number of cases of melanoma skin cancer shows an increasing trend in both genders. Its aggressiveness makes it one of the most common metastatic tumours. Melanomas have many characteristics that help in their diagnosis. These features are determined using the ABCD(E) and Glasgow criteria. Early detection of melanoma at a low local stage gives a greater chance of cure and is associated with better prognostic factors.

Review methods:
The article presents an overview of the current knowledge on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of melanoma, demonstrates the need for wider use of primary prevention, and emphasizes the role of skin self-examination

Brief description of the state of knowledge:
Education must be targeted and focus on behaviours that the patient can influence and modify, as well as preventive actions taken to eliminate risk factors and recognize early symptoms of skin melanoma. These include: regular visits to a dermatologist and undergoing dermatoscopic examination, using sunscreen creams with a high UV factor, using special protective clothing, sunglasses and headgear when staying in the sun, moderate exposure to the sun, avoiding sunburn, and responsible useof a solarium.

The role of prevention and rapid diagnosis becomes crucial in the early diagnosis of melanoma and the implementation of targeted therapy. A quick response to the first symptoms may also speed up the process of diagnosis and treatment, and will influence the survival time of patients.
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