Health locus of control and depressive symptoms in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes
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Medical University, Łódź, Poland
Medical University, Łódż, Poland
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Monika Ewa Kowalska-Wojtysiak   

Medical University, Łódż, Poland
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2020;26(3):254-260
Type 2 diabetes is often comorbid with depression. Health control is thought to reside internally to the individual (Internal Locus of Control –IHLC) or externally, i.e. to other people (Powerful Others Locus of Control – PHLC), or to chance factors (Chance Locus of Control – CHLC). Knowledge of the relationships between the type of the health locus of control (LOC) and depression will allow modification of the process of psychoeducation of patients and their relatives.

The aim of the study was to assess: 1) the relationship between the type of health locus of control and occurrence of depressive symptoms in patients above 60 years of age, suffering from type 2 diabetes, 2) the incidence of depressive symptoms, 3) beliefs about the health locus of control, 4) relationships between glycated haemoglobin level, placement of health control (MHLC) and depressive symptoms (GDS-SF).

Materials and method:
The study was conducted on 125 patients of the outpatient diabetic clinic at the N. Barlicki University Teaching Hospital No. 1 in Łódź, by applying the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (MHLC) Scale, the Geriatric Depression Scale-SF (GDS-SF, and the authors’ own survey.

Depressive symptoms were found in 40 (32%) patients. Patients with depressive symptoms demonstrated significantly higher levels of glycated haemoglobin, and the highest scores on the Chance Locus of Control- CHLC and Powerful Others Locus of Control- PHLC scales. Patients without these symptoms achieved the highest scores on the Internal Locus of Control- IHLC and Powerful Others Locus of Control- PHLC scales.

The MHLC and GDS-SF scales can be useful in the holistic psychological assessment of elderly type 2 diabetics, and in planning individual education processes.
The study was financed from funds allocated to Statutory Tasks No. 503/8-072-04/503-81-001; 503-0-073-02/503-81-001-17; 503/8-073-02/503-81-001-17/18; and 503-0-073-02/503-81-001.
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