Ethnonursing and transcultural nursing – ‘putting the cart before the horse’ based on personal experience
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Samodzielna Pracownia Edukacji Medycznej, Pomorski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Szczecinie
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2012;18(3):193-199
In Polish nursing, certain xenophobic behaviour can be observed which manifests itself, among other things, in assigning interdisciplinary subjects only to nurses. Abandoning education in the specialty of ethnonursing and introducing a new subject ‘transcultural nursing’ taught by academic staff without ethnological, anthropological or historical studies degree, raises suspicions that they may not be prepared to teach the subject or conduct scientific research in the ‘new branch of nursing’ – the transcultural branch. Almost two years ago, scientific researchers from the Collegium Medicum at the Jagiellonian University wrote an academic book dealing with ‘Transcultural Nursing’, without prior research and based on data that was not always scientific. To-date, this had not come to the attention of any representatives of the medical professions. It seems that only one of the authors has legitimate scientific experience in the field of cultural anthropology, but the chapter written by her is only five pages long and based only on one source. The handbook does not contain essential knowledge regarding enthnonursing, its focus is mainly on the problems that may arise when taking care of patients from various cultural backgrounds from the point of view of selected religions. It also provides details about taking care of Romani patients. The handbook does not distinguish between culture and religion, even though the Romani example clearly indicates that it is an inept concept. Such actions not only lower the rank of nursing as a new scientific branch, but also cause harm to the 650 years of tradition of the Jagiellonian University. It seems that the nursing studies urgently require the introduction of a greater number of hours of classes in logic and the history of medicine and nursing than to-date.
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