Ergonomics of a caregiver of a disabled person
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Wydziału Nauk o Zdrowiu w Katowicach, Zakład Kinezjologii Katedry Fizjoterapii Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach
Corresponding author
Anna Brzęk   

Zakład Kinezjologii Katedry Fizjoterapii Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach, ul. Medyków 12, 40-752 Katowice
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2017;23(1):73-78
The article presents a review of the available information concerning the selected problems of care for a disabled patient. The primary objective of the study is analysis of the problem of ergonomics among persons engaged in the care of the disabled, and drawing attention to the necessity for determining the competences of a caregiver (care assistant) of the disabled – a new occupation on the Polish market.

Description of the state of knowledge:
The lack of application of basic principles of ergonomics while caring for disabled patients can cause many health problems for caregivers. These problems usually concern the musculoskeletal system. Acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain is one of the main causes of sick leave. For this reason, education in the field of ergonomics has a significant impact on the economic aspect of the functioning of the health service. The study draws attention to the most common problems and mistakes in the care of people with disabilities, and contains also a brief analysis of the anatomical and biomechanical conditioning of these errors. The need for using proper equipment is indicated, in order not to subject the caregiver’s body to unnecessary overloads.

The main value of the study is presentation of ergonomic methods of performing activities while caring for a disabled person. In addition, the appended photographs clearly illustrate the method of care. The final section of the article contains concise instructions concerning ergonomic principles, the observance of which enables the performance of work by the caregiver in an effective way, which is safe for his/her body and for the person receiving care.
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