Dioxins and furanes in the environment and their effect on the human body
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Klinika Chorób Wewnętrznych, Zawodowych i Toksykologii, Instytut Medycyny Wsi w Lublinie
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2011;17(3):161-164
Chemical compounds named dioxins are among important sources of environment pollution. They belong to trinuclear aromatic compounds produced, among others, as a by-product while producing some herbicides. The environmental sources of dioxins and their dissemination and conversion in the environment are presented based on available literature, including endemic dioxin risk associated with chemical production. Due to the omnipresence of dioxins in the human environment resulting from industrial and agricultural (plant protection products) production, the total elimination of human exposure to dioxins is practically impossible. The control of exposure to dioxins poisoning is aimed at the assessment of risk of the occurrence unfavourable health eff ects resulting from exposure to these compounds, and should focus on the reduction of emissions of dioxins into the environment and discontinuation of technological processes which are the sources of their production. The most important sources of human exposure to these compounds are also indicated, as are the mechanism of their toxic eff ect. The model of the eff ect of dioxins in the human body is also presented.
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