Depression – a ‘giant’ of geriatrics in the practice of primary health care physician
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Z Samodzielnej Pracowni Medycyny Katastrof UM w Lublinie
Z Samodzielnej Pracowni Medycyny Katastrof UM w Lublinie; Z Klinicznego Oddziału Anestezjologii i Intensywnej Terapii DSK Lublin
Med Og. 2010;16(2):131-139
The ‘giants’ of geriatrics are commonly occurring, multiple-cause, and difficult to cure states, which contribute to the gradual loss of independence by the elderly. The ‘giant’ geriatric problems are as follows: falls and mobility disorders, urinary or fecal incontinence, vision or hearing impairment, senile dementia and depression. The objective of the study was the evaluation of the occurrence of depression among primary health care patients aged over 65. The study covered 1047 patients selected at random from 11 non-public primary health care units in the area of the Lublin Region. The research tool was a questionnaire form designed by the author – Environmental-Family Chart, the analysis of primary health care medical records, Information Chart concerning hospitalization, and an abbreviated version of the Geriatric Depression Scale. The results of the studies indicate that depression is the disease frequently occurring in the population examined. The depression risk factors among senior population are, among other things, co-occurrence of chronic somatic diseases, depressive disorders in the past, and living alone. A great majority of the patients examined are covered by care by a primary health care physician.
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