Czynniki wpływające na częstość wykonywania badania mammograficznego
Z Pracowni Podstaw Opieki Położniczej Instytut Pielęgniarstwa i Położnictwa Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu Uniwersytet Jagielloński Collegium Medicum w Krakowie
Z Zakładu Pielęgniarstwa Klinicznego Instytut Pielęgniarstwa i Położnictwa Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu Uniwersytet Jagielloński Collegium Medicum w Krakowie
Z Kliniki Położnictwa i Perinatologii Uniwersytet Jagielloński Collegium Medicum w Krakowie
Med Og. 2010;16(4):474-484
W zakres profilaktyki raka sutka wchodzi regularne samobadanie przez kobiety gruczołu piersiowego, lekarskie badanie fizykalne i badanie skryningowe. Testem stosowanym w skryningu raka piersi jest mammografia. Badanie mammograficzne pozwala na ocenę rozległości zmian, liczbę ognisk i ich charakterystykę, a także obecność zmian w skórze, tkance podskórnej i w obrębie brodawki.

The scope of breast cancer prophylaxis covers routine self-examination of the breast performed by women, medical mammary gland examination and screening. Mammography is the test used in the screening of breast cancer. This is an examination of a high degree of sensitivity in the early detection of breast cancer, which allows evaluation of the extent of changes, number of foci and their characteristics, as well as the presence of changes in the dermis and epidermis, and within the nipple. The objective of the study is the recognition of factors exerting an effect on the participation of women in free mammographic examinations. The study covered 109 women who participated in mammography, and was conducted by the method of a diagnostic survey. In order to investigate the strength of the relationship between nominal variables the V Cramer coefficient was used. Statistical analysis of the results of the study was performed by means of the statistical package SPSS PL for Windows v. 14. In all analyses performed p values p<0.05 were considered statistically significant. The largest group (49%) were women aged 46 – 55; 27% of women performed mammography for the first time. A statistically significant relationship was confirmed between the frequency of performing mammographic examination and age (V=0.46 p<0.05) and occupational activity (V=0.29 p<0.05). Statistical analysis confirmed the relationship (p< 0.01, V= 0.39) between systematic reporting to a gynecological outpatient department and participation in mammographic examinations. Among women who had subsequent mammography performed, the percentage of women who examined their breasts under the professional supervision was considerably higher (V=0.2, p<0.05), as well as overweight and obesity (V=0.26, p<0.05). Mammographic examination was more often performed by women from the older age groups, with a higher level of education, occupationally non-active, with overweight and obesity. Women who systematically reported for appointments in a gynecological outpatient department also performed mammography regularly. Self-reported state of health was affected by marital status, occupational activity, and material standard.
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