Introduction and objective:
Breastfeeding is undoubtedly the most natural healthiest and most beneficial way of feeding newborns, infants and small children alike. The aim of the study was to analyse the determinants of women’s attitudes towards breastfeeding.

Material and methods:
The study was conducted among 400 pregnant women by the method of a diagnostic survey using questionnaires. The research tools were: the Iowa Infant Feeding Attitudes Scale (IIFAS), the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) and a standardized interview questionnaire.

The mean IIFAS score was 61.11 (SD = 9.88) [95% CI (60.14; 62.08)]. A positive attitude towards breastfeeding was observed in 21.5% of the respondents, 68.0% showed a neutral attitude, whereas 10.5% of the women had a positive attitude towards feeding their infants with formula. The mean satisfaction with life score was 22.97 (SD = 5.75) [95% CI (22.4, 23.53)]. A positive correlation was found between the attitude towards breastfeeding and respondents’ age (r = 0.170; p = 0.001), and between their attitude towards breastfeeding and satisfaction with life (r = 0.109; p = 0.030). Women who were married (p < 0.001), those who had a very satisfactory socio-economic standard (p = 0.016), were professionally active (p = 0.024), and had children (p < 0.001) presented a more positive attitude towards breastfeeding.

A relationship was found between socio-demographic factors, such as age, marital status, socio-economic standard, having children and professional activity, and women’s attitude towards breastfeeding. The higher the level of satisfaction with life, the more positive the attitude of women towards breastfeeding. Women giving birth for the first time were less positive about breastfeeding, compared to women who have given birth vaginally or via a Caesarean section.
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