Introduction and objective:
The study of the quality of life is based on the impact of obesity-related illness on various spheres of life of an individual. Obesity is a state of an excessive accumulation of body fat which leads to the deterioration of health. The aim of the study was to subjectively assess the impact of bariatric surgery on patients’ quality of life.

Material and methods:
The survey was administered to 181 people who were struggling with obesity and had undergone bariatric surgery. The survey was conducted with reference to two time intervals: before surgery and during the last four weeks. An author-constructed questionnaire was used, which included sociodemographic characteristics of the group, along with questions about obesity, comorbidities, time before and after bariatric surgery, augmented by the standardised WHOQOL – BREF quality of life questionnaire. Results Among the respondents, women were the most numerous group, accounting for as much as 77.3%. The largest group was aged between 36–45 years; mean age 39.9. While determining the quality of life before the surgery, only 13 respondents described their quality of life as good. The others described their quality of life neutrally, or as poor and very poor. Within the last 4 weeks, the respondents’ quality of life was higher in the somatic and psychological spheres, compared to the environmental and social spheres.

The quality of life of obese people is at a low level, while in patients after bariatric surgery it improved to an average level mainly in the somatic and psychological domains. On the other hand, quality of life in the environmental and social domains increased with time at least 6 months after bariatric surgery.

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