Prevalence of vascular brain damage among inhabitants of the Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski Province
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Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu i Przedsiębiorczości w Ostrowcu Świętokrzyskim
Samodzielna Pracownia Rehabilitacji Neurologicznej Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2012;18(2):77-83
The objective of this study was determination of the prevalence of vascular brain damage (VBD) in the Ostrowiec Province, and to confirm the relationship between the occurrence of this disease and the patients’ gender, age, place of residence and other risk factors.

Material and Methods:
The analysis covered the medical records of 8,603 patients admitted to the Department of Neurology in Ostrowiec Świetokrzyski during the period 2003-2008.

VBD was diagnosed in 4,203 patients in the group examined (49%), including 46% of males and 54% of females. The study showed that VBD is most often diagnosed in patients aged over 60 (74.8%); the mean age among males was 66.5, while among females – 76.6. Considering the type of VBD, the study showed that ischemic stroke constituted 68% of all types of VBD, on average, haemorrhagic stroke – 8% and transient ischemic attack – 24%. Among concomitant diseases, vascular hypertension was the most often diagnosed – in 60.8% of all VBD patients, followed by hyperlipidemia – 24.5%, atheromatosis – 19.8%, diabetes mellitus – 15.1%, and atrial fibrillation – in 14% of patients. From among the total number of 4,203 patients diagnosed with VBD, 58.4% were urban inhabitants, while 41.6% lived in the rural areas.

1. The frequency of VBD occurrence is higher than in others regions; 2. Age of over 60 is VBD risk factor; 3. In the group of patients with VBD, females dominated; 4. Urban place of residence predisposes to the occurrence of VBD type disorders; 5. The predominant type of VBD is ischemic stroke; 6. Diseases concomitant with VBD are: hypertension, hyperlipidemia, atrial fibrillation, atheromatosis and diabetes mellitus.
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