Frequency of taking actions to reduce body weight by students with overweight and obesity from the Upper Silesian University
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Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2014;20(4):439-443
The epidemic increase in the number of overweight and obese is a critical public health problem. Particularly disturbing is the fact of a significant increase in body weight of young people.

Considering the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the population of young Polish people and their health consequences, it was decided to examine the frequency of taking promotional measures to reduce body weight in young women living in Silesia.

Material and Methods:
The study was conducted using a proprietary questionnaire in the period from 07.01.2013–29.03.2013. The examined group consisted of 152 women suffering from overweight or obesity. All of the respondents were students of the university of Katowice and surrounding towns included in the Upper Silesian Industrial District.

Results of the study questionnaire on the frequency of actions for the reduction of body weight in young women living in Silesia revealed that they quite regularly take various actions to reduce their body weight. The number of previous trials and their frequency depends on factors such as disease duration, BMI and motivators that guide the unit.

Despite a considerable frequency of undertaking by the respondents of actions aimed at the reduction of body weight, the percentage of actions providing observable and permanent results remains low, which contributes to the undertaking of subsequent attempts by the respondents
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