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Z Instytutu Pielęgniarstwa i Położnictwa Wydziału Medycznego Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego; Katedra Zdrowia Publicznego Wyższej Szkoły Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie
Z Podkarpackiego Centrum Zdrowia Publicznego w Rzeszowie
Z Instytutu Pielęgniarstwa i Położnictwa Wydziału Medycznego Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego; Z Instytutu Pielęgniarstwa i PołoŜnictwa Wydziału Medycznego Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Med Og. 2009;15(1):139-151
The period of university education may significantly affect the selection of behaviours in the context of health. This is associated with the specific conditions of social life: weekly and semester rhythm of work, credits, colloquia, examinations, relations with university staff and mates. There is a group of behaviours strongly connected with the university infrastructure. These behaviours concern the places of nutrition, recreation, sports, leisure and stay in the houses of residence; therefore, not a matter of free choice, but to a large extent depend on the course of study and conditions provided by the university.
The objective of the study was evaluation of whether socio-demographic factors, such as: place of permanent residence, parents’ education, study speciality, and family material standard, exert an effect on health-related behaviours among students.
The studies covered 521 students of the Rzeszów University and Rzeszów Polytechnical University.
The place of permanent residence is important in undertaking health behaviours. Parents’ education (father, mother) does not significantly affect the level of intensity of health behaviours. The study speciality is the factor differentiating health promoting behaviours with respect to: adequate nutritional habits, prophylactic behaviours, general intensity of health behaviours. Medical students are characterised by the highest level of health behaviours. A positive correlation is observed between family material standard and intensity of health promoting behaviours.
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