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Z Zakładu Epidemiologii i Biostatystyki Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi
Z Samodzielnego Publicznego Zespołu Opieki Zdrowotnej w Łasku
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Med Og. 2008;14(4)
The objective of the presented study was to characterize patients of a home hospice with the
use of the following variables: gender, age, place of residence, medical diagnosis according to
ICD-10, somatic and psychological symptoms.
The study was based on secondary sources of information concerning the health situation of
the population – medical records of patients benefitting from home hospice care in Łask in the
period from 1 January 2004 - 31 December 2007. The study covered 150 patients (88 males and
62 females), aged 36-96; mean age 68.1; 65.8 - among males and 70.3 - among females. 42.7%
of the patients in the study lived in urban areas, whereas 57.3% were rural inhabitants. All the
patients covered by home hospice care suffered from cancer. The most frequent diagnosis was
carcinoma of the bronchial tube and lungs (12.6%), followed by gastric cancer (8.6%), breast
cancer (8.0%) and cancer of the prostate gland (6.6%).
The quality of life of patients during the terminal stage was determined by somatic
symptoms, especially pain, and self-reported psychological feelings. Home hospice care has a
positive impact on the quality of life in the terminal phase due to the provision of specialized
medical and nursing care and controlling the symptoms of the disease
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