Newborn screening in the Polish population
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Departament Organizacji Ochrony Zdrowia, Ministerstwo Zdrowia, Warszawa
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Jarosław Damian Gumienny   

Departament Organizacji Ochrony Zdrowia, Ministerstwo Zdrowia
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2016;22(3):169-175
Screening tests are an important tool in public health practice, which constitutes one of the major achievements of the last century. In epidemiology they are considered as a method of diagnosis of mass and recognize health needs, and provide direct information on the state of health of the population.

The paper discusses the basic aspects of neonatal screening in the Polish population and its organization and functioning in the health care system.

Description of the state of knowledge:
Screening birth cohort are a special type of screening, which is commonly carried out in the first days of life. In accordance with standard medical treatment in the field of perinatal care, screening includes early identification of congenital metabolic disorders, hearing, and asymptomatic critical heart defects. These diseases are characterized by a relatively high prevalence and serious consequences on health and social issues. Apart from screening for critical heart defects, screening is carried out in the form of long-term programmes, implemented by the Ministry of Health (inborn errors of metabolism) and the Foundation of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (hearing impaired). Screening of inborn errors of metabolism based on the filter test paper 23 includes disorders including phenylketonuria, cystic fibrosis and hypothyroidism. Early hearing disorders are detected by OAE test, whereas for the critical defect of the heart, pulse oximetry is the gold standard.

Screening tests are the backbone of the health care system in the field of neonatology. Past experience suggests that it should endeavour to continue its activities, in particular expanding the research panel by other inborn errors of metabolism.
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