Assessment of the achieving educational outcomes on summer internships at the first cycle degree programme in Public Health
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Department of Didactics and Learning Effects, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University, Warsaw, Poland
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Ilona Cieślak   

Department of Didactics and Learning Effects, Faculty of Health Sciences, Warsaw Medical University, ul. Żwirki i Wigury 81, 02-091, Warsaw, Poland
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2019;25(1):55-61
Summer internship constitutes one of the key elements in the curriculum. Practical classes at the Medical University of Warsaw that are obligatory for students usually take place during summer internship. The main aim of all internship programmes is to familiarise students with the organisational structure of a particular unit, its tasks, forms of employment and working methods as well as to help employees with their office and administration functions.

To analyse the effect of assessment of summer internship on students’ self-assessment and opinion on achieving educational outcomes at the first cycle degree programme in Public Health.

Material and methods:
A total of 85 graduates (3 males) of the first-cycle degree programme in Public Health took part in the study. The study enrolled students who had graduated from the first-cycle degree programme in the academic year of 2015–2016. Mean age of the study population amounted to 23.02 years (min. 21; max. 27; SD 7.220). An original anonymous and voluntary questionnaire based on the list of educational outcomes Sefault significance level was established at 0.05.

According to most study participants, although their summer internships constituted a valuable experience, they did not influence the level of achievement of educational outcomes set in the curriculum for the first cycle degree programme in Public Health.

It is important to continue the assessment of summer internship, verify summer internship sites and develop a database
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