Analysis of the sources of knowledge concerning family planning among women in the Lodz area
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Zakład Położnictwa Praktycznego, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
Corresponding author
Barbara Wrońska   

Zakład Położnictwa Praktycznego, ul. Narutowicza 58, 90-130 Łódź
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2014;20(4):365-369
The main aim of the research was analysis of the sources of knowledge about conscious preparation for motherhood of women aged 17–35 living in a big urban agglomeration.

Material and Methods:
The research tool was a questionnaire survey, conducted among 455 women aged 17–35, living in the Lodz agglomeration. The developed questionnaire included questions concerning sources of knowledge and the normative (preferred by respondents) sources of knowledge about proper family planning. The material collected was analyzed using t-Student tests for average and fractions, and chi-square tests and multiple logistic regression methods for multivariate analysis. For statistical inference, the accepted level of statistical significance is not higher than α = 0.05.

Women received knowledge about family planning most often from their parents – 54%, least often from nurses and midwives – 8.7%. Women’s awareness concerning the necessity to obtain knowledge in the area of family planning from the health care staff increased with age (α <0.05). The regression equation has shown that this frequency increased by 2% for each year of a woman’s life. Most often women, would expect knowledge about family planning to come from parents – 82.2%, 60% from teachers and 52.7% from doctors.

1) The source of knowledge about family planning most frequently mentioned by women were their parents. 2) In the opinion of the women, knowledge about family planning should be communicated by parents, teachers and health care workers. 3) Many more women expect to obtain more knowledge than they actually receive from nurses and midwives. 4) Together with women›s age, their awareness about the need of using the knowledge about family planning from health professionals (doctors, nurses and midwives) is increasing. 5) Together with age, the opinion about the need to transfer knowledge by teachers about family planning is decreasing.
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