Physical activity of patients with osteoarthritis aged 40–60 from the Łódź Region
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Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
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Anna Lipert   

Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2015;21(3):289-294
Introduction and purpose.:
Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease and a major cause of disability among the elderly. In diseases of the motor organ, physical exercises are one of the most effective methods of treatment. The aim of the study was to assess physical activity undertaken by people with osteoarthritis (OA) aged 40–60 from the Łódź Region.

Material and Methods:
The study involved 40 patients aged 40–60, diagnosed with OA living in the Łódź Region, and included anthropometric measurements of basic parameters based on which the BMI and WHR were calculated. Physical activity was assessed by a diagnostic survey using a 7-day Physical Activity Questionnaire Recall and a questionnaire designed by the author.

35% of respondents undertook physical activity every day, but in the majority of respondents the duration of physical activity did not exceed 60 minutes. The most frequently chosen form of physical activity was walking (39%). Daily energy expenditure on physical activity was 1,759 kcal for men and 343 kcal for women, on average. The reason for undertaking physical activity by most respondents was the diagnosis of OA. The largest number of them noted that regular physical activity resulted in the improvement of their health and reduction of pain (63%).

The primary incentive for undertaking physical activity by the population aged 40–60 is the development of disease, in this case, of osteoarthritis. Therefore, it is necessary to implement educational efforts aimed at informing adults about the benefits of regular physical activity on the prevention of osteoarthritis.
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