Aktywność fiyczna pielęgniarek z uwzględnieniem ich wieku
Z Instytutu Turystyki i Rekreacji Państwowej Szkoły Wyższej w Białej Podlaskiej
Med Og. 2010;16(4):595-605
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych Międzynarodowym Kwestionariuszem Aktywności Fizycznej wśród 123 pielęgniarek, dotyczących ich aktywności fizycznej z uwzględnieniem wieku.

For a long time, physical activity has been indicated as the best example of prophylaxis concerning our health. Its importance poses a challenge for science for an objective evaluation. For this reason, at the end of the previous century, an international team of researchers developed the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Studies with this instrument show that the physical activity of Polish society places our country in the middle of the ranking list among countries of the European Union. In order to more precisely recognize physical activity among the Polish population, in 2010 studies were conducted, which covered 123 nurses, students of nursing at universities, and bridging undergraduate courses, with consideration of their age. The study showed that nurses are characterized by a high level of physical activity related with occupational activity and housework, with the highest level of activity noted in the youngest age group, i.e. up to the age of 40. An unfavourable phenomenon is relatively low sports and recreational activity during leisure time. The large majority of nurses reported that they possess an insufficient amount of free time; a sufficient amount of time was mentioned mainly by respondents from the youngest age group, and the smallest number - nurses from the oldest age group. Nurses most often exercise traditional types of physical activity, such as riding a bicycle and walking. Among physical activities that the respondents would like to be engaged in, nurses from the youngest age group indicated horse riding, while those from the oldest age group – dancing.
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