Dispatching of emergency medical teams to patients with cardiovascular diseases
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1. Krakowska Akademia im. A. Frycza Modrzewskiego w Krakowie; 2. Szpital Św. Anny w Miechowie
Krakowskie Pogotowie Ratunkowe w Krakowie
Katedra i Oddział Kliniczny Chirurgii Ogólnej, Bariatrycznej i Medycyny Ratunkowej w Zabrzu, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach
Med Og Nauk Zdr. 2016;22(1):72-76
Legislation concerning medical dispatchers does not specify the type of calls for paramedic or specialist EMS team, and when they can refuse to attend to a patient. Due to other scope of medical emergency operations the dispatching determines the time and type of aid.

The objective is to determine whether the type of call has an impact on the dispatcher’s decision about the type of EMS team.

Material and Methods:
Research was carried out on the basis of medical documentation submitted in 2012 by 5 EMS teams of the Kraków Emergency Service located in 2 places in ‘Nowa Huta’, with one basic and one specialist team in each, and in one of these places for 2 month there was an additional basic EMS team. 1,560 medical rescue procedure cards were analyzed and classified to a group ‘cardiologic problems’. Reported ailments, symptoms, diseases were grouped into the categories: chest pain, arrhythmia, high blood pressure, loss of consciousness, shortness of breath, other.

Selected EMS teams undertook a total of 13,715 trips: basic – 7,254, specialist – 6,461. A group of 1,560 constituted ‘Cardiac Problems’ (11.4%), 556 (8%) – basic EMS team, 1,004 (16%) – specialist EMS team. 784 patients (50%) reported one ailment, 644 patients (41%)-2 and 132 patients (9%) – 3 or more reasons. There were 2,468 reported ailments. Specialist EMS teams were dispatched for 83% of the dispatch orders with 3 problems, 67% with two and 59% with a single problem. 56% of patients of the basic EMS teams and 69% of the specialist team reported chest pain; in other categories, the dispatching of both types of EMS teams was similar.

The type of call influenced the choice of dispatching the EMS team. In the case of disorders on a cardiologic, potentially coronary background, and probably a more severe patient’s condition – more than 2 symptoms – more often, the specialist EMS teams were dispatched.
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